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Sponsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China Chamber of International Commerce (CCIC),China Trade News is a publication for both domestic and overseas veaders.It is the only English medium in mainland China,which specialize in economy and trade.We aim to offer authoritutive,valuable and up-to-date economic and trade information to concerned government bodies all over the world,industrial and commerical establishments,international trade organizations,large travel agencies,as well as people of business communities.We also provide import export and investment information service to all kinds domestic and foreign,enterprises,qoverment departments at all levels and development zones.Relying on the znternational influence of CCPIT and CCIC and their widespread eommunication channels,we serve as a brand-new bridge between China’s domestic market and international market.

China Trade News paper content setting:

Economic&Trade Unit Frontpage:Important News on Economic&Trade Policy Unscrambling,Current Issue Focus,Current Affairs Channel,Economic&Trade Review.Second Page:Market Trends Market Research,Industry Aanlysis,Circulation Squares,Chinese Dispatch.Third Page:Business Information Exhibition,Product Supply and Demand,Charts.Fourth Page:Made in China Star of the Industry,Focus on CEO,Information Window.

Investment Unit Frontpage:Canvass Business Orders and Absorb Fund Business Order Release,Fund Trends,Favorable Policy,Information Stand.Second Page:Finance&Economy viewpoint Finance Forum,Currency Market,Capital Movement.Third Page:Investment Plaza Investors,Industrial Economic Perspective,Financing Channels,Fourth Page:Development Areas in China Project Release,Star Enterprises,Policy Navigation.

Tourism Unit Frontpage:Tour China Tourist Attractions,Modern Human landscaps,Folk-Customs,Man and Nature.Second Page:Catering,Accommodation,and Fun Travel Agencies,Happy air Lines,Delicious Foods,Hotels.Third Page:Chinese Medicine Prestigious Doctors,Chinese Traditional Medicine,Healht Hotline,Healt Brands.Fourth Page:Culture and Fashion Chinese Art and Literature,Leading Celebrities,Art Show.

Shopping Unit Frontpage:Chinese Brand Famous Brand Stand,Chinese Time-honored Brands,Famous Specialities.Second Page:Consumption Directory Shopping Corridor,Premium-goods Market,Vogue Click,Consumption Hotline.Third Page:Cream Of Chinese Goods Famous Brands,Fashion Trend,Chinese Classics.Fourth Page:News News Links,Classic Reading,Dynamic Summary.

China Trade News has 16 pages in each issue.Chinese Export Commodities Fair,Chinese and international important exhibitions,and commerce conference specify China Trade News as the authoritative newspaper.China Trade News aneavailable in all flights of Air China.Nowadays,China Trade News is published in 170 countries,including US,Canada,Australia,England,France,Germany,Russia,Singapore,Japan,Korean,etc.The circulation is 300,000.

Our readers are the people who work in the concerned government,the chamber of commerce,the commerce agency and association,the financing institution,the service agency,the investment organization,the international trade organization,the multinational company,the local overseas-funded enterprises,the commerce and trade organization,and the large travel agency.Issuance channel is reader’s subs cription.We also present free copies to readers through representative offices of CCPIT,Chinese embassies,Chinese consulates,international exhibitions,bookstores,office buildings,aerlines,and shipping companies.At the same time,we issue subs cription and present free copies to embassies,overseas commerce agencies,hotels,airlines,airports,office building,overseas investment organizations,commerce and trade organizations,and others in China.

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